🔎 How to find a job in 2024 👩‍💻

I have written articles about this subject and wanted to share a different spin for 2024.

If you are in the job market, empower yourself by changing the narrative from “Job Seeker” to “Job Shopper.” Doesn’t that sound more inviting? We call this spray-and-pray if you apply to every job on large job boards such as Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, Monster, and LinkedIn, yielding no tangible results. The competition is fierce on these job boards.

By adopting the attitude of a “Job Shopper,” you choose your top 20-30 companies that you know hire for your skill set. You may have a personal brand connection with these companies, perhaps from a positive experience. Apply to these companies directly through their website. I know that candidates who apply through my website get preference over the job board applicants because they took the time to look at my website and read the job description. If you can briefly describe why you want to work for this great company, it tells a compelling story, and your candidacy may rise to the top compared to the other applicants. You may want to set up to receive alerts and follow the company on LinkedIn. Also, follow these companies on Instagram and X to receive the latest updates.

The Job Shopper approach may be a way to bypass the ATS’s “Applicant Tracking System,” also known as the “Applicant Tossing System.” The ATS ranks resumes based on keywords and content, and 75% of resumes are rejected before they reach the hiring manager.

It is imperative to have a complete LinkedIn profile. The LinkedIn profile should include a professional picture, identity verified, skills listed, #openforwork green frame (optional), ensure that your start and end dates, job titles, education/certifications are consistent on your resume and your LinkedIn profile, 30+ connections, a sound bite of the pronunciation of your name and pronouns included.

I wish you success in your job shopping!

2024, ATS, Glassdoor, Indeed, instagram, job, job board, jobs, LinkedIn, Monster, Social Media, X, ZipRecruiter

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